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Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute” ~ Defining "Broom-Swept" Condition

In this week’s Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute”, Realtor Tiffany Glime explains for home sellers (and buyers) what the expectations of leaving a home in “broom swept” condition really means, so there are no surprises what the property changes owners. Although the term is open to interpretation, broom-clean homes are at a minimum free of any excess stuff, like personal items and debris, and have been swept or vacuumed. Learn more the video here... #homebuying #homebuyer #homeowners #cleaning #closing #broomsweptcondition #broomclean #homebuyingexpectations #knowbeforeyousell #realestateminute #zimmerglimerealestate #hallandhunter #christiesinternationalrealestate #leadingrelocal #realestate #homes #useaRealtor #knowbeforeyoubuy #christieshomes

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