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Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute” ~ Negotiating Low Ball Offers

In this week’s Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute”, Associate Broker Amy Zimmer discusses how to overcome and persevere over the initial frustration of getting a significantly low offer on your home. The good news is that any offer can jump-start an ultimately successful negotiation! In the video here, learn about what to do and steps to negotiate through those low ball offers... #moving #homes #homebuyer #homebuying #knowbeforeyousell #savvyseller #lowballoffer #offers #homeselling #negotiating #homeseller #zimmerglimerealestate #hallandhunter #christiesinternationalrealestate #leadingrelocal #realestate #useaRealtor #christieshomes #yourrealtorsintheknow #luxurytoleases

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