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Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute” ~ Balancing Both Buying & Selling a Home

In this week’s Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute”, Associate Broker Amy Zimmer discusses the balancing acting of having a home to purchase AND also needing to now sell your current home. It is a common issue; but one that can be stressful. Check out the video here for some tips to be aware of, so you are best prepared if you find yourself in this circumstance… #moving #homes #homebuyer #homebuying #knowbeforeyousell #knowbeforeyoubuy #savvyseller #savvybuyer #buyandsellatsametime #homeowner #homeseller #haveaplan #zimmerglimerealestate #hallandhunter #christiesinternationalrealestate #leadingrelocal #realestate #useaRealtor #christieshomes #yourrealtorsintheknow #luxurytoleases

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